What Is Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement?

One thing that continues to astound us is the engineering marvels that can be found within the human body. Consider the cervical intervertebral disc, for instance. This simple fluid-filled sac between our vertebrae provides a remarkable amount of protection for the neighboring bones without impacting the neck’s mobility. While resilient, it’s still possible for it to become damaged. When that occurs, it’s necessary to replace to retain the same level of protection and mobility offered by the undamaged structure.
What Is Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement?
As the name indicates, the purpose of a cervical artificial disc replacement is to restore mobility and function by replacing a damaged cervical disc. When a cervical disc becomes damaged, there are multiple consequences for the patient. Among them is reduced mobility of the neck and the risk of damage to the cervical vertebrae on either side of the damaged disc. Even more pressingly, a damaged disc can lead to the nerves being compressed. This can create significant discomfort until this pressure is released. The goals of performing a cervical artificial disc replacement include:\
- Ease Nerve Tension: When a disc has herniated or is undergone degeneration and collapse, nerve compression can occur. In addition to numbness and tingling, this can create a source of chronic pain. It can also impair the use of one or both arms due to weakness from poor nerve communication. Relieving the pressure eases these symptoms and allows the nerve to heal properly. In cases where the spinal cord was undergoing severe compression, it may also help to prevent additional symptoms from appearing.
- Restore Range of Motion – Replacement of a damaged disc helps to preserve natural body mechanics in the cervical (neck) region. In most cases replacing the disc will not increase the range of motion but can help prevent it from deteriorating further.
The relief of symptoms experienced following a cervical disc replacement surgery can primarily be attributed to nerve compression and nerve inflammation relief. This can make cervical disc replacement inappropriate for patients whose symptoms only appear in the neck.
Cervical disc replacement surgery is a recently introduced procedure but has been demonstrated to be effective and safe in reducing arm and neck pain. Despite being a recent addition to treatment for cervical concerns, current results have been promising. The pain relief experienced following a cervical artificial disc replacement surgery has been shown to last for years after the initial procedure.
Contact Your Spinal Specialist For More Info
If you’ve been experiencing neck and arm pain resulting from issues with your cervical discs, reach out to your spinal specialist. They’ll be able to diagnose the root cause of your symptoms and determine what treatments will be appropriate. The path begins with a consultation and assessment. This process will include imaging, a thorough medical history, and a discussion of your current concerns with mobility and discomfort. The sooner the treatment is completed, the better your chances of preventing the advancement of your symptoms. Don’t wait to speak to your spinal specialist about your care today.

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