The future of stem cells in controlling spinal pain

Throughout their lives, 80% of Americans will experience lower back pain. This condition is the third most costly condition regarding wages and lost productivity. The cause of lower back pain can be tricky to identify and treat effectively. This is due to the broad range of conditions resulting in lower back pain. One method of treating lower back pain has shown significant promise for reducing symptoms in many patients. Stem cell treatments are increasingly popular as their effectiveness for treating a growing range of health concerns is proven by trials and time.
Common Treatments To Address Lower Back Pain
Degenerative Disc Disease is a frequent source of lower back pain that appears more often in aging patients. Our spine comprises an alternating series of bones known as vertebrae and cushioning structures known as discs. These discs play an important role in allowing us to move freely and protecting the vertebrae from grating against one another. These discs comprise a durable outer layer that surrounds a fluid that keeps them flexible and resilient. While durable, they are subject to wear and tear and can break down from use as we age. When this occurs, the discs become weaker and can bulge or leak due to tears in their material.
Multiple approaches to treating concerns like this have been tried over the year, with varying success. Some examples of these treatments include:
- Medications
- Pain Relievers
- Muscle Relaxers
- Cortisone Injections
- Low-Dose Antidepressants
- Physical Therapy
This list is made of minimally-invasive treatments. They can be effective for many sufferers of lower back pain. It’s common for alternative treatments such as yoga, massage, chiropractic, and acupuncture to be used alongside them. When these treatments prove ineffective, a surgical approach may be tried. The surgery specifics depend on the source of the back pain. A bulging disc may have a portion removed to eliminate the pressure applied to the spinal cord or other nerves. While these have a high initial success rate, they do carry a notable chance of lower back pain returning in a few months or years.
Introducing Stem Cell Treatments: A Modern Solution
Recent studies have brought about new treatment approaches. A specialized treatment known as MSC, or intradiscal mesenchymal stem cell transplantation, is showing significant promise. This treatment involves the injection of stem cells into the damaged disc. These cells are harvested from elsewhere in the patient’s body, meaning there is no chance of rejection. As a regenerative approach to treatment, this injection stimulates the body to repair the disc itself. This is possible due to stem cells’ ability to form into any type of cell needed to accomplish the repair. Once injected, these cells will continue to renew themselves, providing lasting relief. Stem cells have also been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the need for medication and easing strain on damaged tissue. Reach out to your joint & pain specialist to determine if MSC is an appropriate approach for treating your lower back pain.

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