MS and Your Diet

Multiple Sclerosis is a condition in which nerve damage can cause the bodies ability to communicate with the brain is impaired. This condition symptoms include pain, vision loss, fatigue, and impaired coordination in varying levels of severity from patient to patient. Those who suffer from this condition can live most of their lives without experiencing any symptoms, while others have chronic symptoms that never seem to ease.
Does Diet Have Anything To Do With MS?
Research hasn’t shown a connection between diet and the onset of MS, nor any that have been able to help hold off its effects. However some special diets have been revealed to aggravate existing cases of Multiple Sclerosis due to an imbalance in the vitamins they provide. It is important that patients with MS take the time to communicate with their doctors to ensure that any diet they wish to pursue isn’t going to worsen their condition.
What Should I Eat If I Live With MS?
Those who are living with MS need to be careful about ensuring they’re getting what they need from their diet. These diets should include high-fiber and low-fat foods that include as much unprocessed food as possible. For a general reference point the traditional diet of those in the Mediterranean is a good place to start. In addition it’s important to limit your alcohol intake.
What Vitamins Are Important To My MS?
When you’re considering your diet and making changes to help ensure your Multiple Sclerosis stays as under control as possible. In addition to those elements listed above research has revealed that those who keep the amount of saturated fat in their diets low tend to have a better experience. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to have some positive effect on these patients. However, fats from red and white meat should be avoided as much as possible, instead relying on nuts and fish as healthier choices for their condition.
What Other Concerns Should I Consider To Avoid Issues With MS?
Including Vitamin D and H, the latter being a form of Vitamin B known as biotin, has been shown to have a beneficial effect on Multiple Sclerosis patients and their symptoms. The following tips should also be taken into consideration:
- MS Symptoms have been shown to get worse with a lack of minerals and vitamins.
- Don’t skip meals, doing so can exacerbate low energy levels.
- Weight gain can cause issues, so take care with depression and steroid treatments for MS.
- MS symptoms like lack of coordination and imbalance can be exacerbated by Alcohol.
If you or a loved one are living with MS and are looking for an expert in the condition to help you live a fuller and happier life, pick up the phone and call Dr. Tomm Bromberg at Delaware Valley Pain & Spine. The team of experts there has been working with patients suffering from conditions like MS in the Chalfont, PA and would be proud to help you face a life with MS.

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