Medical Marijuana And You

Medical Marijuana has been becoming increasingly available throughout the United States, including our own state of Pennsylvania. Also known as MMJ, medical marijuana has been showing incredible promise for a seemingly endless variety of concerns. It has been shown to be particularly effective in controlling pain and anxiety in many patients, and some success has been seen in using it to treat nausea associated with cancer. If you’re wondering whether medical marijuana is right for you, consider the following.
What Is The Difference Between Street Weed and Medical Marijuana?
While both street weed and medical marijuana come from the same base plant, medical marijuana has been cultivated to produce strains aimed at treating specific concerns. There are nearly 800 marijuana strains throughout the world, most of which consist of a hybrid of up to three different strains. New strains are under development every day, and all of them can potentially be used for medical purposes. Crossbreeds are developed using processes similar to those used to eliminate unwanted traits from breeds of animals.
How Effective Is Medical Marijuana
With over 30 states having legalized marijuana, there is a growing body of anecdotal reports stating its efficacy. MMJ comes in a growing number of forms for consumption, including edible products, wax, oil, capsules, even topical creams. Which one a patient uses is dependent upon their particular ailment and their preferences. Naturally, each form of administration is more or less effective in addressing specific medical concerns.
Is Marijuana Addictive?
The official opinion on this topic is mixed. While there is evidence showing that some users of marijuana may go on to have substance abuse disorders, marijuana’s role in this is uncertain. The presence of addictive personalities, lifestyle elements, and social circumstances all play a role that makes it difficult to pinpoint a single cause. Present evidence shows that the risk of addiction in patients is very small, and physical addiction to marijuana unheard of.
Will Medical Marijuana Get Me High?
This is another question that comes up frequently. Every strain of medical marijuana contains a different level of THC, the chemical that produces the ‘High’ sensation associated with marijuana use. This effect, and its intensity, will vary dependent on your individual strain. What is important to know is that there are almost no overdose risks associated with marijuana. The amount of THC that a single human would have to consume to experience an overdose effect is immense and improbable with medical use.
If you want to learn more about medical marijuana and whether it is appropriate for your medical condition, contact your physician. Dr. Todd Bromberg at the Delaware Valley Pain and Institute in Chalfont, PA, helps patients understand the benefits of medical marijuana and determine whether or not it’s appropriate for their condition. Call today and get a consultation that could potentially ease existing pain and help in reducing the use of opioids in the treatment of chronic pain. Why continue to suffer when medical marijuana could be the solution you’ve been looking for?

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