How Vertebral Fractures Can Be Treated With Kyphoplasty

Dislocation or fracturing of the spine is a serious orthopedic concern that can occur from trauma or as the result of medical conditions such as osteoporosis. In the vast majority of cases, this condition is the direct result of accidents involving high velocity and can occur in any of the vertebrae that comprise your neck and spine. The presence of these fractures puts the spinal cord at risk from compression from the resulting bone fragments. The potential damage to the spinal cord could put those experiencing it at risk of lifelong paralysis or even death. As a result, injuries to the spine require immediate medical attention.
What Is Kyphoplasty And How Does It Treat Vertebral Fractures?
Kyphoplasty is a procedure by which vertebral fractures can be effectively treated and compression of the spinal cord relieved. The procedure involves the placement of an incision in the patient’s back and the insertion of a needle into a spot suitable for performing the procedure. The needle is directed into place using an x-ray to ensure it is moved into the proper position. A balloon is then passed into this space and slowly inflated to help separate and elevate the neighboring vertebrae while creating a small cavity. This cavity is then filled with a special bone cement that hardens and reinforces the vertebrae and eases pain.
What Symptoms Reveal When A Kyphoplasty Would Be Appropriate?
In otherwise healthy patients with minor spinal fractures, these injuries can heal on their own. Once healed, the pain they cause should pass. In more severe cases, the pain will continue beyond the prospective healing period, and nonsurgical treatments may prove to be ineffective. Physicians generally consider performing a Kyphoplasty in the following instances:
Added Weight Boosts Pain Levels – When additional weight being carried or pressed upon the patient increases pain levels, the patient may benefit from receiving this treatment. Common occurrences that demonstrate this kind of response are lifting suitcases, groceries, or transferring in and out of bed.
Tingling, Numbing, and Weakness are Absent – When none of these symptoms appear with the pain, it’s an indication of a spinal fracture. Fusion surgery may also be called for in cases where nerve inflammation that is symptomatic of the condition is present.
Young Fractures – In cases where the fractures have only recently occurred and don’t have a high likelihood of restoring their height in a way that kyphoplasty could match, the surgery might be called for.
If you want to ask more questions about this treatment and want to know if your physician believes that kyphoplasty can help, it’s time to schedule an appointment. Vertebral compression fractures can be a serious concern that has a lasting impact on the health of your spine and quality of life. Kyphoplasty is capable of restoring function and relieving pain in many patients and is more effective when done closer to the injury date. Don’t wait to find out if this highly successful procedure can work to relieve your pain from vertebral fractures.

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