Vertebrogenic Pain
As the discs of the spine wear and tear with age, they can put excessive stress on the bones of the spine (vertebrae), leading to damage to the vertebrae. Vertebrogenic pain is a specific type of chronic low back pain caused by damage to these vertebrae. Thes edges of the vertebrae are called endplates, […]
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Treating Sacroiliac Dysfunction With SI Joint Fusion
The sacrum is a triangular bone with a series of openings on either side found at the base of the spine. These holes serve as a central pass-thru for a number of essential nerve clusters. The sacrum itself serves as a vital support structure for your lower body, spine, and pelvic bone. Contrary to common […]
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New Treatments for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
What is a Neuropathy? We have billions of nerve fibers throughout our bodies. They are everywhere including the skin, heart, stomach, and anywhere else you can imagine. These small nerve fibers control everything from our ability to digest food, to the ability of the pupil to constrict when exposed to sunlight, […]
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How To Know If Heat or Ice Will Help Your Back Pain
It’s no secret that using heat or ice therapy on lower back pain can bring significant relief. However, it can be trickier knowing which treatment to use and when. Every individual case of lower back pain is different, so knowing what to use and when can be tricky. Learning to understand your symptoms and what […]
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Jenna Little, PA Jenna emphasizes patient centered care, partnering with the individual to the find the best treatment plan for them. Jenna believes pain is multidimensional and affects the mind, body, and spirit and it requires a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. “My goal is to minimize pain using both conventional and alternative therapies.” Jenna graduated […]
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Spinal Cord Stimulation
A new therapy has been increasing in popularity for those who suffer from chronic pain in the arm or back, have complex regional pain syndrome, failed back surgery syndrome, arachnoiditis, and a variety of other conditions that produce chronic pain conditions. Spinal cord stimulation is a treatment that involves the implantation of a spinal cord […]
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Delaware Valley Pain & Spine Institute (DVPSI) is a practice that is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to treat patients experiencing pain. Our team of Pain Management Doctors in Chalfont PA are highly specialized physicians who use the most advanced, minimally invasive techniques to restore function and renew hope in our patients. Chronic pain can lead to […]
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